Ep. 115: Jump Scares with Terrelle Brown
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest and film critic Terrelle Brown, to discuss his Movie a Day journey, movie fears, the new horror film "It Follows" and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 115: Jump Scares with Terrelle Brown
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest and film critic Terrelle Brown, to discuss his Movie a Day journey, movie fears, the new horror film "It Follows" and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 114: I Don't Respect You
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen discuss houses, Wrestlemania, Mitch Hedberg, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 113: Fever Dream with M. Jacob Alverez
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comic book artist and comedian M. Jacob Alverez to discuss his comic books, literature, walnuts and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 112: Taxes with Troy Moore
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Troy Moore to discuss taxes, teaching, stupidity, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 111: Half Caf with Mike Alloy
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Mike Alloy to discuss flying small aircraft , half caf, cereal and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 110: Buddhist Yoga with Mikey Garcia
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Mikey Garcia to discuss cheese sandwiches, types of cheese sandwiches, favorite cheese to have in a cheese sandwich, Buddhist yoga, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 109: 2000s TV Quiz with Andrew Fox
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest Andrew Fox. This episode Derek and Fox face off in a brutal quiz show to explore who is the bigger tv nerd. Who will come out on top?! Find out tonight on Breaking Badichek! Enjoy!
Ep. 108: Logandoescomedy with Mike Logan
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Mike Logan to discuss what he calls "The Fall" and much more.
Ep. 107: Don't Tread on Me, America with Chris Stenta
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest Chris Stenta to discuss his past as a Magic The Gathering prodigy, his philosophy on stand up comedy crowds, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 106: Half-Lifez
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen discuss cinema classics, computer games, reacting to monsters, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 105: Odin Danger with Lawnboys Comedy
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guests Ben Fidler and "Classic" Dan Getz to discuss their upcoming film festival, Ben's zombie apocalypse theories, Ben's unborn child, Dan living with women, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 104: So Many Levels with Ian Koranek
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Ian Koranek to discuss his comedy origin, Saturday Night Live, his recent appearance on Saturday Night Live and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 103: Comedy Vibe with Josh Carter
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Josh Carter to discuss his comedy career, Serial, Bill Cosby, and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 102: Internet Anxiety with George Christopher Lopez
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by the long awaited returning guest George Christopher Lopez to discuss his name change, his sketch comedy, his long absence from the podcast and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 101: Anthrax Days with Mike Rainey
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian and author Mike Rainey to discuss his influences, his dislike of violence, his new book and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 100: 100
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen celebrate the 100th episode of Breaking Badichek. They reminisce of memories passed, hear what past guests think of the show, and explore the fabled lost episode "Basement Smell." Enjoy!
Ep. 99: Black Santa with Terrelle Brown
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest Terrelle Brown to discuss Christmas cheer, the loss of Maxi, Holiday films, Star Wars, cats, and much more. Feliz Navidad!
Ep. 98: Match Crowd 2: The Callening with Drew Castellano
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by returning guest Drew Castellano to discuss comedy, take live phone calls, look up the number of video games made for certain consoles and much more. Enjoy!
Ep. 97: A Weird Pit of Rage with Alex Pearlman
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen are joined by comedian Alex Pearlman to speak of the weird pit of rage which is his life, his love of brussel sprouts, comedy, comic books, and hatred of all other things. Enjoy!
Ep. 96: Funnity
Derek Badichek and Phil Allen discuss Black Friday, Thanksgiving, certain foods they enjoy, and for no apparent reason, Steven Segal. Enjoy!